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DigiKid 1.0 Owners Guide


Hello and thank you for purchasing the DigiKid in vehicle baby monitoring system. Included in your package will be: one monitor, one camera with night vision mounted on its bracket, one suction cup mount for the monitor and a 6 ft nylon belt with self locking metal buckle. The camera bracket system was made with 3d printing technology, without which this product would never have made it to market. Inherent to the 3d printing process is that parts often need to be sanded and shaped due to the use of support material added to complex shapes when the object being printed. Much like pottery and woodworking there are texture and surface variations that will appear, and to a large extent these parts are finished by hand. This does not effect the strength or safety of the product, nor its functionality.


-Always check with state and local law enforcement with respect to the legal usage and/or placement of the video monitor to the windshield.

-Distracted driving is illegal and proper care should be exercised when using this product. Always obey state and local laws when operating a motor vehicle. If your child needs attention pull over. Make all adjustments to the camera before driving and pull over if you need to tend to your child or move the camera. Always use good judgment and drive safely.

-Do not mount the monitor in an area where it could be a distraction or interfere with your ability to drive should it fall off the glass. Also make sure the cord is out of the way of all operating controls of the vehicle, including but not limited to the steering wheel and shifter.

-DigiKid LLC is not responsible for fines or penalties incurred by drivers using this product in a manner that conflicts with the law. DigiKid LLC is not responsible for any injuries and/or damage to property from a motor vehicle accident when using this product, due to its usage or the dislodging of any system component during an accident. The purchaser bears all responsibility as to the safety of child and all passengers in the vehicle when using this product as well as final decision as whether to use it.

-Never route the wires near the baby and keep them as far away as possible. Whenever possible, tuck cords under trim panels. This product is not a toy and the child should not handle the components. Do not mount components near heat sources and allow for proper ventilation around them.

Installation: Install videos and pictures are viewable on our Facebook page!!
1. Unpack the monitor and mounting cup. Slide the monitor down on the bracket, moisten the suction cup and place on windshield. Always obey all laws regarding placement of video devices on dash or windshield. Lock the cup to the glass using the lever on the base.
2. For a headrest mount, raise the headrest for mounting the camera assembly. Loop the nylon belt through the lower camera mount, around the headrest and through the metal buckle. The loose end of the belt should go away from you and through the buckle so when pulled toward you it will tighten. I prefer the buckle to be toward the rear of the car Lower the headrest allowing a gap between it and the seat. Pull the end of the belt toward you, as it tightens you will want to rotate the belt to get a better angle for pulling. Allow the hinge to fold over an wedge itself between the seat and headrest. You can now lower the head rest a bit to get a little more snug. Now tighten the thumb sure not to over tighten, in this configuration, finger tight is more than adequate. Trim off the excess belt with a scissor, leaving enough belt to repeat this process if needed. Do not cut the belt if you will be also using DigiKid with a bench adapter in another vehicle...extra belt can be tucked under head rest. Always check the tightness of the unit after putting child in seat!!
3. Connecting cable is plugged into the lighter/outlet. Connect the short end to the monitor, and begin routing cable down and under the seats toward the door. Continue to run cable up and around the back of the headrest and connect to camera. Cable can be tucked under most door trim using a flathead screwdriver to pry door trim up slightly. Never route cable in reach of a child. The connectors come apart with little effort, this is by design. If by chance a child gets hold of the cable and pulls the connection to the monitor will be lost alerting you to a problem. With the lighter plug in, the system powers up automatically. If your outlet has power even with car off, be sure to pull plug after driving.
4. Bench seat adapter installation: Slide seat adapter over seat. Some vehicles will have a tighter fit than others, loose fit over the cushion is not a concern. Loop belt though the meal clips and through the opening in the seat adapter. For car seats with base that attaches to the seat of vehicle on metal loops in seat, attach the two clips to these mounts. For older cars without the anchor points, or with a child seat without a base, you can route the belt through the opening on the seat belt buckle. (see video for clarity). After routing the belt slide the belt through the buckle and pull tight. The belt should have a triangular shape made by the 3 anchoring points. It may be easier to attach to seat with car seat temporarily disconnected. Always be sure to check tightness of belts before driving with child in seat!! Using the thumb screw now mount the camera to the adapter.
5. Adjustments to camera can be made in two ways: A) Loosen the thumb screw to raise and lower the camera mount, tighten again to lock down. Once the camera is aimed well tighten the screw again. Be careful not to over tighten. B) the camera will move inside of the mounting bracket. This will also give a degree of side to side adjustment as well as vertical. This will most often be used with the headrest mounting option.

Warranty: DigiKid LLC will warranty all parts for a period of one year from date of purchase with a copy of the receipt and the broken part. All broken parts will be replaced individually. Warranty is voided if product has been altered or tampered with in any way, exposed to water or abused/misused or damaged in a way that would not be considered normal wear. Replacement parts can be purchased off the website. For more information email us: [email protected] or call us 201.543.7864. Returns of the DigiKid system will be accepted for 45 days from purchase, with copy of receipt and all components present and in condition suitable for resale.

Troubleshooting and Additional Information:

1. There are no serviceable parts on the DigiKid system except for the fuse in the lighter plug.
2. With the bench seat adapter mount, it is helpful to loosen the screw and turn mount up and away when putting child in seat. To help line it up perfectly draw a line with a marker across the 2 parts of the hinge mount when it is in a good spot. After moving, just line up the marks.
3. The power cable should have more than enough length to hide and route the cable. If for some reason the cable doesn't reach, we will have one made for you. Simply send us the old one, is condition for resale with a note on the required length. You will have to pay for shipping of both cables.
4. The night vision feature is automatic, and requires action on your part. It is noteworthy though, that when driving from bright sunlight into the shade of trees or buildings, the IR (night vision) with engage and turn off depending on the how stark the difference in ambient light. This normal and does not indicate any problem with the system.

5.  The DigiKid system can be mounted on front seats once your child faces forward as well!!!